Biography unknown. Have heard that this was either
a soldier's encampment, or a trading post area for local trappers and
loggers. Submitted by: Dave Peterson
UPDATE: July 2002 forest fire may have burned this town - can anyone
comfirm or deny?
The history of Blacks Fork is disputed.
One source claims that it was originally known as Blacks Fork Commisionary and was an army way-station built to supply food, pack animals, and to repair wagons and equipment for soldiers patrolling between Fort Dushesne and Fort Bridger in Wyoming. Because of the long winters, and the incredible altitudes of the Uintah mountains, it is highly improbable that There was already an army post called Blacks Fork as early as 1857 further north on the river from Fort Bridger. The name of this outpost was changed after Union Pacific railroad passed through it, to Bryan.
The other source, which is the more probable one, states that it was established by a timber company operating as early as 1870. It was built as a company town. It was to supply for loggers and teamsters, with supplies. It provided ties to the railroad, fuel for charcoal ovens, mine supporters, and building lumber. Timber operations continued throughout the year. Most of the employees were not married, and the ones that were only brought their families up during the summers, as there were very harsh winters. The population ranged from 50 to 100 or more. The company was still operating well into the 1930's before the company went out of business, and people started deserting the town.
The town was built in a semicircle partially enclosing a large barn. The central building in the perimeter structures contained company offices, stores, restaurants, and storage facilities. Duplex type buildings make up the majority of the rest of the structures.
---Alex Barber
I elk hunt this country every year and about 5 years ago, met a very old gentleman right at the commissary. He introduced himself by saying "I bet you don't know what this is". I told him the basics - Blacks Fork Commisary, etc. so, he told me the following:
When I was a young child, I lived here. This was our and anothers families quarters, here was for the horses, this was the commisary, this was the dynamite shed, etc. (I wished I had taken notes) this was the central re-supply point for all the tie hacks in the area. The tie hacks cut trees and made the basics of rail road ties. They would haul the trees in winter because it was easy to skid to a central location where we could later load wagons. When the water flume became available, that was the haul location (the flume is to the west and took logs to the rail, some portions can still be seen) he went on to say that the forest there was primarily doug fir and that they cut all the big trees leaving only the lodgepole pine. They would take a team and wagon or sled depending on snow depth and general conditions about once a month in winter to evanston to re-supply.
There was no mention of an army or any military function. There are tie hack cabins all over the area, dozens and dozens. So, given his account, I would lean to the tie hack supply point version. - Randall Julander

Blacks Fork July 2001
Courtesy Dave Peterson

Blacks Fork July 2001
Courtesy Dave Peterson

Blacks Fork July 2001
Courtesy Dave Peterson

Blacks Fork July 2001
Courtesy Dave Peterson

Blacks Fork July 2001
Courtesy Dave Peterson

Research on tie hacking -Blacks Fork Commissary
Randy Julander