By 1875, Ward was the largest town in White Pine County boasting a population of 1,000 and a large, fancy hotel. Education was a priority so an abandoned red-light district house was converted to a schoolhouse. The Martin White Company of San Francisco purchased all mines during the summer of 1875 and that company was the main producer for many years. New discoveries helped propel the town to its peak during 1877. Ward’s population reached a high of close to 2,000. Also in 1877, a city hall was constructed and Wells-Fargo opened an office. The 601 Vigilantes kept the town virtually crime-free. The name came from six feet under, no trial, and one rope. The 601 meted out quick justice, and Ward’s crime rate dropped to zero. Ward began to decline as 1878 progressed. The combination of vanishing ore deposits and a new boom at Cherry Creek spelled doom for Ward. By 1880, the population had shrunk to 250. A huge fire on august 18, 1883 destroyed the city hall, the school, and virtually all of downtown Ward. By 1885 only one business was left in town, and the population stood at 25. Ward was basically a dead town until 1906 when all of the Martin White holdings were sold to the Nevada United Mines Company. This revival continued until 1920. Today, Ward is an active mining site. Unfortunately, the town is off limits, fenced off by the operating company. The Ward Cemetery, one mile east of the townsite, is well worth a stop. Many interesting wooden markers remain and are partially legible. It is very sad to note that many of the graves are those of very young children who fell victim to the many different diseases prevalent in early mining camps.
Submitted by: Shawn Hall from his book Romancing Nevada's Past: Ghost Towns And Historic Sites Of Eureka, Lander, And White Pine Counties Click here to purchase his book!  |

Ward Mine
Courtesy Cherie McGee 
Ward in disrepair
Courtesy Cherie McGee 
At base of the Mountain before you reach the mine
Courtesy Cherie McGee 
Courtesy Cherie McGee |