The Sierra was a fearful barrier for travelers between Placerville, California
on the west side and a small settlement on the east side called Leeteville.
Travelers coming from the east, before negotiating the Sierra, would stop
to rest and re-provision themselves at Leeteville, formerly referred to
as "Ragtown", the name coming from laundry hanging on nearby
bushes to dry. For a time, this was the last settlement on the east side
of the Sierra. In 1849, Brigham Young dispatched a party to the area that
established a colony known simply as Mormon Station at the very foot of
the Sierra. Given the circumstances, it was only natural a trading post
would be established along the Humboldt. This was Mormon Station. As time
went on and the colony grew, it needed a more identifying name. An Italian
settler called it Genoa and the name became permanent. Part of the main
section of the original town has been preserved. Submitted by Henry Chenoweth.

Old Post Office
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Genoa Jail
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Genoa Jail
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Genoa Court House
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Inside Genoa Court House
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Grave of "Snowshoe" Thompson John A. Thompson -- Died May 15, 1876 --
aged 49 years 16 days. A man who carried mail between Genoa and Sacramento,
California on skis, for 12 years.
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Courtesy Dolores Steele

OLD GENOA BAR In 1863, Al Livingston built this building and called
it Livingston's Exchange. In 1884 - Frank Fettic bought it and renamed
it Fettic's Exchange. He operated it as a "Gentleman's Saloon" allowing
no rough stuff or excessive drinking. It subsequently had three more owners
until 1963 when Robert Carver purchased it. Now known as the "Old Genoa
Bar" it is the oldest continually operating thirst parlor in the State
of Nevada. "No Horses Allowed."
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Morman Station Restored log stockade and trading post built in 1851 in
the Carson Valley, where pioneers often rested before continuing over
the Sierra Nevada to California.
Courtesy Dolores Steele
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Courtesy Dolores Steele

Genoa Cemetery Died Dec. & Oct. 1879
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Courtesy Dolores Steele

Genoa Community Church
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Courtesy Dolores Steele

Courtesy Dolores Steele

Courtesy Dolores Steele

Genoa Town Hall
Courtesy Dolores Steele

Courtesy Dolores Steele