NAME: Red Lion
COUNTY: Granite
CLIMATE: Snow in winter, mild summer
BEST TIME TO VISIT: During summer
COMMENTS: From Georgetown Lake on Highway 1 go north at 7 Gables go 1 mile to fork in road turn left to Discovery Basin Ski Area road go 2 miles turn right and continue north about 4 miles to Red Lion. Beautiful scenery.
REMAINS: There are scattered log cabin ruins, foundation of mill, tramway towers above Red Lion to mine.

Red Lion dates back to about 1875 when gold was discovered. A mill was built by the Red Lion Company in the late 1890's. Another mill was constructed in the early 1900's. Nearly 200 men worked in the two mills. The population of Red Lion reached about 500. Submitted by: Kevin Heaney

The Red Lion Strike was made in the late 1880's. By 1890, there was a mine and a stamp mill at th site. The property was leased to the "Walkers of Philipsburg" in October of 1890. A 'six foot vein of gold' was discovered by the Walkers. The vein, and surrounding ore, was plentiful enough to run the mill at Red Lion, night and day, for six months. The publicity surrounding the Walkers' discovery led to the discovery of four additional mines - the 'Hannah;' 'Modoc;' 'American Flag;' and the ' Golden Eagle.' The Red Lion mining camp, run by the Golden Eagle Company, came into being at the turn of the century. The years of 1902–1908 were the most productive years in the Red Lion area. A 3,800 foot tramway was built to connect the mines to the mill. The 'Hannah' mine produced gold, iron and copper. The mines were played out by 1913.

[Sources: "Ghost Towns & Mining Districts of Montana" by Terry Halden; "Montana Ghost Towns and Gold Camps" by Wm. W. Whitfield; and original research by the author.]

Red Lion
Courtesy David Eggebraaten