Just after neaby Montgomery was founded, gold was discovered high in the mountains above and gave rise to the town of Mosquito. The name came from a town meeting where a mosquito was crushed between pages of a book during the meeting. It was the only name they could agree on. The camp's birth was in June of 1861. A pass was cut over the mountain into Leadville. This pass, named Mosquito Pass, is the highest driveable pass in Colorado at over 13,000 feet. It was nicknamed the "highway of the frozen death". The London and the New London mines are right with Mosquito and were one of the richest set of mines in the state.

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

Mosquito Pass, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood
London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

Ladder at the London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines Ladder , August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines Outhouse , August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines 2 holer outhouse, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

Mosquito Pass, August 2003
Todd Underwood

Mosquito Pass, August 2003
Todd Underwood

Mosquito Pass, August 2003
Todd Underwood

Mosquito Pass at the top August 2003
Todd Underwood

Father Dyer Grave at the top of Mosquito Pass, August 2003
Todd Underwood

Mosquito Pass at the top 13,185 feet, August 2003
Todd Underwood

Mosquito Pass, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines, August 2003
Todd Underwood

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley

London Mines
Courtesy Sean Kelley