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NAME: Chrysopolis COUNTY: Inyo ROADS: 2WD GRID #(see map): 3 CLIMATE: Warm summer, mild winter with cold spells and occasional light snow. BEST TIME TO VISIT: Anytime. |
via abandoned narrow gauge railroad grade, built in 1881, abandoned
in 1960. Along same railroad graded southward is found sites
of San Carlos (1863) and Bend City (1863). Both were contenders for the county seat of still born Coso County and later Inyo County before abandonment. REMAINS: Several stone cabin walls, nearby improved mine tunnels,prospects and cuts. A mill site is found on the west side of the Owens River, but unaccessible by road. |
Chrysopolis, along with the nearby townsite of Black Rock, came into being as among the earliest of eastern California's Owens Valley settlements in 1863. Chrysopolis, as well as contemporaries San Carlos and Bend City, sprung up on the arid and wild eastern side of the Owens Valley, nestled among the footwall of the imposing Inyo Range. The town briefly flourished, but soon dwindled due to isolation and constant Indian troubles until Fort Independence was established. By then, many began to settle into the settlements springing up in the more fertile and pleasant western side of the Owens Valley. Mining continued, though as a town, Chrysopolis was dead. In the first decade of the 1900s, a prospecting and mining craze swept the entire region, an outgrowth of the Tonopah / Goldfield / Death Valley boom period, and interest again was focused on the old Chrysopolis mining district. After 1910, the area became again quiet, through leasers continued to methodically take out ore throughout the 20th century. Newspaper articles compiled by D.A. Wright [Note: Some articles are quoted, others only paraphrased] [Note: Inyo Independent published in Independence, CA] Note: Inyo Register published in Bishop, CA] July 23, 1870 Inyo Independent [Independence, CA] Article "TO BE REMOVED." Quote: "We heard spoken of that parties intend tearing up and removing the old Chrysopolis mill to the mines in the neighborhood of Deep Springs Valley, pending on success of certain operations and milling already there. What will become of our magnificent cheese press?" [Note: tongue in cheek statement referring to a previous article] September 12, 1870 Inyo Independent Article: "DEEP SPRINGS VALLEY ITEMS." Quote: "We hear that the Deep Springs Mining Company are settling up their affairs in a most satisfactory manner, preparatory to resuming a settled mining business as soon as suitable machinery belonging to Paul's process arrives. Judge Wayland is operating in the district and working ore by the patio process with some success. S.P. Davis is working the rich ore by nearly the same process, making use of a lot of Indians to tramp through the pulp. Mr. Gilmore, of the Chrysopolis mines, has recently made some extensive purchases from the Berger Brothers." October 3, 1870 Inyo Independent Summary:
The steamship Chrysoplis is now sailing up the Sacramento River. June 1, 1884 Inyo Independent Summary: An S.S. Berrie of Chrysopolis in Independence. Summary: A William Hedge and Charlie Johnson came in to Independence from Chrysopolis last Thursday morning. Article: "THE MAXIM" Quote: "After a run of eight or ten days the new five stamp mill of the Maxim Company, at Chrysopolis, has hung up its stamps for a short time. We are not at liberty to state the exact result of workings of ores of the Arrastra and the Hope Mines, upon which the company has been operating, but may generalize it by giving the fact that two chunks of fine gold, weighing respectively two and six pounds, have been shipped. Superintendent Barrie started for New York Thursday, bent on matters pertaining to the erection of a larger reduction works. A force of fifteen miners is at work day and night exploiting the mines and getting out ore for the next run, which will commence immediately after the mill boys get through their well earned rest and Fourth of July racket." Quote in separate paragraph: "A Handsome Button of Bullion -- Superintendent Barrie brought in a handsome button of gold bullion from the Maxim Mill Thursday morning, and took it to New York with him. He left on Thursday night's stage to catch the Carson bound train and goes direct to New York, and will probably be gone about three weeks." July 19, 1884 Inyo Indepedent Summary: A Mr. McKillibb of Chrysopolis in town. Quote: "A Mr. Bollinger of the Chrysopolis mines was in town some days this week. Lively times may be expected at Chrysopolis before long." August 17, 1906 Inyo Independent Quote: "Quite a little mining excitement is being caused by the discovery of some rich ore, near the old Chrysopolis mill, about twelve miles north of Independence in the Inyo range. It is reported that more than 100 locations have been made in the last few days and there is between 50 and 60 people prospecting in the vicinity of the new find." August 30, 1906 Inyo Register [Bishop, CA] Summary: New find near old Chrysopolis. September 28, 1906 Inyo Independent Quote: "W.M. Snyder came down from Big Pine. He is interested in the old camp of Chrysopolis and predicts that it will become a lively mining center. He has located a townsite near where the old McKillip house stood. He reports that a party of experts came down on the train yesterday and got off at the camp and will make a thorough examination of the Black & Locbrie claims." End quote. January 31, 1907 Inyo Register Article: "MID VALLEY MINES" Summary: Column details work at Chrysopolis. February 1, 1907 Inyo Independent Quote: "It is reported that T.L. Oddie and Cap. Rose, who have a bond on the Lockrey & Black property for $25,000 at Chrysopolis, have a force of men now doing development work." February] 14, 1907 Inyo Register Summary: Article about Chrysopolis. April 11, 1907 Inyo Register Article: "SANGER MINE A BIG DEAL." Summary: Mention of production of Chrysopolis and Mazourka Canyon districts. April 19, 1907 Inyo Independent Quote: "Cap. Rose, who was developing mining property at Chrysopolis, was in town a few hours Wednesday. In speaking of the outlook he said the showing warranted a continuation of the exploiting work now in progress. >From a party who visited one of his properties, we learn that from the appearance of the hornings made the rock which certainly assay way up in the hundreds." Quote: "A.S. Lockrie, who is largely interested in the mines in the Chrysopolis section, arrived in Independence Wednesday evening. Mr. Lockrie is very sanguine of the outcome of the district. In running a tunnel to prospect one of his claims he cut through a five foot vein of unusually favorable looking ore. While he was not had any assays of the new find, he is confident it will run very high, as pannings from all across the ledge show large deposits of the precious metal." May 3, 1907 Inyo Register Summary: Chrysopolis outlook. May 24, 1907 Inyo Independent Quote: "The Chrysopolis section is at present the scene of great mining activity, there being some fifty or sixty men at work in that vicinity. Any and all of the claims on which any considerable amount of work has been done has proved that the ore bodies go down and increase in values and size as depth is attained." May 30, 1907 Inyo Register Summary: Column on Chrysopolis. June 7, 1907 Inyo Independent Quote: "Wm. Snyder, who is operating at the old Chrysopolis district, spent a couple of days in town this week. He is confident that this district will come to the front and will be a great producer." June 20, 1907 Inyo Register Summary: Death of Inyo County pioneer, who once lived in Chrysopolis. July 11, 1907 Inyo Register Summary: Paper declares that Chrysopolis mines are a good outlook. July 18, 1907 Inyo Register Article: "MINES DEVELOPING FOR PERMANENCY" Summary: Includes facts and figures for Chrysopolis mines. August 27, 1907 Inyo Register Summary: Article on Chrysopolis. September 27, 1907 Inyo Independent Article: "CHRYSOPOLIS DISTRICT LONG OVERLOOKED." December 12, 1907 Inyo Register Summary: Details of the Snyder Mines at Chrysopolis. December 19, 1907 Inyo Register Summary: Placer ground being worked at Chrysopolis. March 5, 1908 Inyo Register Summary: Chrysopolis news. May 21, 1908 Inyo Register Article: "NEW MAZOURKA MINES: MORE FINDS IN A WELL MINERALIZED COUNTY." Summary: Short distance north and east of old Chrysopolis. June 18, 1908 Inyo Register Article: "INYO'S MINERAL TOTALS: EXACT FIGURES NOT OBTAINABLE FROM ANY SOURCE." Summary: Facts and figures of various districts inc. Chrysopolis. December 24, 1908 Inyo Register Article: "THE KILLIAN GOLD FIELDS: SOME APPLIED MINING GEOLOGY WITH INFERENCES." Summary: Compares unique type of gold bearing ore with that found at old Chrysopolis. February 4, 1909 Inyo Register February 18, 1909 Inyo Register Article: "OF MINING NOTE." Summary: Chrysopolis, Black & Lochrie and Stewart's claim. April 8, 1909 Inyo Register Article: "MAKING A ROAR." Summary: A long series of earthquakes and deep rumblings are heard in the mountains east of Chrysopolis and in Death Valley. Submitted by David A. Wright |