Sunnyside's post office was established
July 16, 1914 and discontinued March 15, 1934. Sunnyside was
a religious town composed of the Donnellites, followers of Samuel
Donnelly. All of the miners were religious and the town was devoted
to hymn singing, bible reading, and putting in a hard days work.
If a miner came to town looking for work, they would put him
to work. But, if he slacked off and started not putting in his
fair share, the town would ask him to move on. This is the only
town known in Arizona to be a 100% religious mining town. The
town lived as socialists, pooling all the money into the community.
Each person did what their talents enabled them to do for the
betterment of the community. The Donellites were very generous
and supported whoever they saw had a need. When the mine played
out the Donnellites had to disband to the men could find work

Courtesy Tom McCurnin

Courtesy Tom McCurnin

Courtesy Total Wreck