Not too long
ago, we went back to the time when the Turtle Mountains of California
were just two weeks ahead of a Bureau of Land Management Wilderness closure.
It’s neighbor to the East, the Whipple Mountains were to be closed the
following week. Ray couldn’t join us on this Whipple trip,
but Larry and I hot
it out there with our faithful dual-purpose motorcycles, maps, and cameras.
This month will
be Part 1, and next month will be Part 2.
The date is October 20, 1973.
For those readers
not familiar with our western deserts, October is a transition month.
The first week or two will see temperatures in the low 100s F, with the
last two weeks, you will see temperatures in the
high 70s F.
The Whipple
Mountains start on the East side of US 95 and go clear over to the Colorado
River and Parker Dam. Its not a short trip to get there.
I was still working and living in Los Angeles, and Larry lived
in Sa
Diego. The average one-way time
for me was 8 hours, and for Larry, 9 hours.
We would meet in Riverside and caravan together to our destination,
talking to each other on our Citizen Band radios.
So lets begin:
Almost there! Our old friend, the Turtle Mountains were on
our left as we headed toward Vidal Junction via state hiway 62. The
Colorado River Aqueduct flowed near our hiway, to separate widely once
we drove through Vidal Junction. We had to watch closely for a short service
road which would take us across the aqueduct and onto desert dirt and
one part of the Whipple Mountains.
Eight miles
East of Vidal Junction we found a suitable road,
backtracked 1 ˝ miles and set up camp. We were about a mile from
the state hiway, but undisturbed by any traffic noise. We enjoyed the late afternoon play of sunlight on the Whipples a few miles North of our camp.
The next morning,
after a leisurely breakfast, we prepared the dual-purpose motorcycles,
stuffed the two or three rolled up topographic maps into a metal tube
(used to carry a collapsible fishing pole) that I had fastened to my motorcycle’s
behind the seat, put an extra roll of film in my day-pack, secured the
camp, kick-started the engines into life and off we went.
We started our
explorations by heading West on the aqueduct service road till we found
a crossover; something like a small bridge over the aqueduct. What we thought was a slowly rising flat plain
turned out to be a lot of deep, wide, canyons with mines and prospect
holes wherever we looked. Here
and there were piles of junk and wood
from collapsed cabins.
Almost at once,
we saw a mine headframe still standing.
We rode over to it and gave it a good looking over. Larry is wearing
the red helmet. The headframe
looked more impressive from a distance. Even so, from the cement foundations
for hoisting equipment and perhaps a grinding machine to reduce the size
of the ore chunks to a more manageable size, there was enough to look
On we rode,
looking here and there. We looked
at everything from trash piles of old bottles and cans, broken dishes,
and just plain trash.
As you can see
in the accompanying pictures, we almost drove down into this mine situated
in a very narrow hole! Look at
the condition of the wood ladder rungs. It didn’t look very safe to me. The long wide p
adjacent to the ladder served to haul up an ore bucket by sliding on the
board’s surface.
The next picture
shows a view from the business end of the skid plank and the ladder rungs. It still didn’t look very safe to me. Thats one thing Larry and I don’t do. Go into the old mines. The angle of the tunnel
looked to be about 45 degrees, according to my stereoscopic (3-D) slides.
From that unnamed
mine, we continued North Northwest up a very rough road, which soon turned
into sand and gravel, the bain of slow off-road motorcycles. I had quite
a time with it as it was easy to “snow plough” to a halt with the slightest
misalignment of the front wheel.
Our final view,
for Part 1, is a more elaborate mine, possibly the D & W mine. In the foreg
the white paint splashes marked the edge of the “road” we are on.
Note too the two green trees denoting water in the ground. Water was probably pumped from wells and into
the tanks we also see.
The general
area of the Whipple Mountains is primarily silver and copper country with
most mines producing both metal ores at the same time. The famous Black
Metal mine assayed 2,442 ounces of silver and 41% copper per ton.
At some locations in the Whipple Mountains, gold was mixed in with
the silver.
Next month we
will conclude our limited explorations of
Whipple Mountain. See you then.
Jerome W. Anderson