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2001 Just as I thought about a location for this month, I discovered a package of color negatives of the biggest Silver mine in the same area as our trip to Randsburg California had been about the Yellow Aster Gold mine. I sent them to the lab and they came back great! So this month’s trip is to the Kelly Silver Mine. So rich, well I’m getting ahead of myself. After getting
up at three or four O’Clock, and doing the final loading of my topographic
maps for the exp First order of business, breakfast at a chain restaurant. Later, patting my stomach and issuing a discrete belch we strolled out to our separate campers, climbed aboard, checked our Citizen Band radios and pulled out onto the freeway heading North to the Randsburg area again. As I’ve said before, getting there is half the fun. From San Diego North to San Bernardino and the Cajon Pass, is a two hour drive thru the once farming country, now turned into low cost housing. Once you are over the Pass, you are on true desert. You never know what you’ll see along the desert hiways. One time we watched a helicopter lowering wooden power poles into holes by the road. This trip
we didn’t stop at Kramer Junction, deciding we had enough gasolin
Most mine stories have an interesting discovery, this mine being no exception. My source is the long out of print Mines and Minerals of San Bernardino County. The discovery
leading to subsequent development
was actually made by Jack Nosser
and HampWilliams on April 12, 1919.
Working for Sheriff J.W.
Kelly of Kern county, they were building claim corner markers.
They were resting from their labors in the shade of a large outcrop
of rock. Williams believed he saw horn silver in the outcrop, collected some samples and presented them to
Sheriff Kelly who sent them of After setting up a group of eleven claims, officially known as the California Rand Silver Mining Company, by mid-May 1919, the first shaft was dug on the discovery vein. Ore was at first removed from a glory hole at the shaft and later from drifts joined to the shaft. By 1920, the ore mined at the number one shaft grossed $1,086,916! The number
two shaft was dug in 1921. The
pictures accompanying this Notebook articl By 1924, the number two shaft was completed to a depth of 1600 feet, and then things began to get complicated with connections to leased veins. The saga comes to an end in the year 1929. Work was becoming unsafe due to the sandy nature of the ground and because planned work was to continue on the Williams vein, some 1800 feet from the shaft, the only point of exit, the work was ordered stopped by a state mine inspector. The costs
of opening another exit combined with the drop in value of silver from around $1.00 per ounce in 1923 to as low as 28 cents
per ounce in 1929, was too much. The mine was sold, bringing to end
the life of an incredible mine. Occasional
leasers trie At the time we visited the mine in October 1983, all was closed, locked, and caretakered; the tattered walls of the mill building rattling in the slight breeze. Our tour group returned to camp. The humidity was 80%, much too high to drywash. A motorcycle race was in progress too. Larry and I moved our camp across the valley West of the Summit Range where the temperature was 85 F degrees with 42% humidity and much quieter. Jerome W. Anderson